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The Latvian language, part of the Baltic branch of the Indo-European family, has deep historical roots in the region of Latvia, with its earliest known forms emerging in the first millennium CE. It evolved from the Proto-Baltic language and, over time, developed distinct features that set it apart from its closely related Lithuanian cousin. The first written records of Latvian appeared in the 16th century, with translations of religious texts, such as the "Catechism" by Gotthard Tullius in 1585. Over the centuries, Latvian was influenced by neighboring languages, including German, Swedish, and Russian, due to the region’s history of foreign domination and cultural exchanges.


During the 19th century, Latvian began to gain prominence as part of a broader national revival movement, which sought to assert Latvian cultural identity in the face of Russian imperialism. The 20th century saw significant changes, with Latvian becoming the official language of the newly independent Latvian Republic in 1918. However, during Soviet rule (1940-1990), Russian was imposed as the dominant language, leading to a decline in the use of Latvian. After Latvia regained its independence in 1991, Latvian underwent revitalization efforts and was reaffirmed as the sole official language, strengthening its role in national identity and public life. Today, it is spoken by over 1.5 million people, maintaining its unique place among the world’s languages.


To hear the 1st paragraph of Philosopher's Stone in Latvian, Click Here.

The 1st Edition Latvian Harry Potter books were published by Jumava. The books were published using the US GrandPre cover art and can be found in both hard and soft cover editions. All 7 books were published, at least in hardcover; I have not seen anything other than the 1st book in softcover (if you know differently, please let me know). â€‹

The 1st Edition Latvian books, both hard and soft covers, are quickly becoming harder to find. That said, they reprinted in 2019 using the Jonny Duddle covers; the reprints look to be in hardcover.

Harijs Poters un Filozofu akmens

ISBN: 9984053857

1st Edition Latvian Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Harijs Poters un Filozofu akmens

... un Noslēpumu kambaris

ISBN: 9984054136

1st Edition Latvian Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harijs Poters un Noslēpumu kambaris

...un Azkabanas gūsteknis

1st Edition Latvian translation Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harijs Poters un Azkabanas gūsteknis

ISBN: 9984054659

...un Uguns biÄ·eris

ISBN: 9984055027

1st Edition Latvian Translation of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harijs Poters un Uguns biÄ·eris

Harijs Poters un FÄ“niksa Ordenis

Note: Book 5 is 2 volumes!

1st Edition Latvian Translation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harijs Poters un FÄ“niksa Ordenis

ISBN: 9984057100

2nd Edition Latvian Translation Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harijs Poters un Filozofu akmens

The 2nd Edition Latvian Harry Potter books were published by Zvaigzne in 2019. These books feature the Duddle cover; however, while the publisher is different, the translation looks to be same, at least in book 1. As I finish out the set, I'll let you know. So far, I've only found hardcover books by this publisher.

ISBN: 9789934081491

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